Friday, 21 November 2014

How rude

"Mummy, if there was a competition for talking the most I would enter you in it because you would win."

That is all.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Living the dream...

Today I took two steps closer to successfully living vicariously through my children.

First of all the littlest member returned from pre-school with the news that he had been chosen to be Joseph in the nativity. You cannot imagine my delight. The first musical my mum took me to see was Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. A trip to London to see Jason Donavan in my favourite musical- I was hooked. I know we are talking about a different Joseph but that's just a technicality. 
In my eyes this means he is one step closer to living my...I mean his dream

The big, little one decided he wanted to write me a poem when he got home. Check out this beauty....

I was very impressed! Fireworks seem to have brought out his creative side. Obviously this is a sign of his inevitable life choice to be a writer. 

I think pushy parent is a bit strong. I shall call myself a prompting promoter of all things positive. 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Baby blues

The time has come...

We returned home from work today to find a school admission letter waiting for us for the youngest member of the clan.
I have gotten it out of the way and applied for his school place online. He sat next to me the whole time, obviously completely disinterested and paying much more attention to Frozen on the tv.

Will he still want to give me a cuddle and watch Frozen with me after he has started school?!

I'm excited that he will be starting such a significant chapter of his life next year, terrified because he will have only just turned four and utterly heart broken because he won't be my baby anymore.

The hubby has been getting a bit concerned lately- my broodiness and vivid dreams of us with three children have all pointed to one thing- another baby. 
However, we have decided that two is enough for us. My utter uselessness at being pregnant, the logistics of having another but most all of the chance of another having a heart defect have actually made the decision a very easy one. That doesnt mean I don't crave that feeling of holding a new baby and new baby smell! I will simply have to get my fix by being a baby hogger around my friends and family. 'Yes of course I want to see you, now let me cuddle the baby!'