Our eldest monkey man hasn't started 'big school' yet (although September is getting far too close for my liking).
Despite him only attending pre-school three mornings a week, without those sessions the thought of keeping him entertained (and looking after a baby) during the holidays can be rather daunting.
This is the first year I have been challenged to help the toddler make an Easter bonnet for preschool. He was told he would get a certificate so there was absolutely no getting out of it! I chickened (sorry) out a bit and bought an Easter bonnet making kit from The Range. The kit came with a ribbon to go around the bonnet and egg and animal stickers to stick on. Simple enough, I thought, until I saw the pipe cleaners and the tissue paper. I was instantly intimidated! It's not a secret that I have never been the most artistic person and my brain failed to conjure up any new life related creative masterpiece using said materials.

We have started filling our Easter weekend with family visits and egg hunts which will be lots of fun.
I did have a thought whilst making the nest cakes with the toddler today though - I haven't actually talked to my little man about the reason for why we celebrate Easter. He is nearly four years old and no longer just accepts that things are the way they are, he wants to know why. The embarrassing truth is I'm not sure I could explain to him in any kind of coherent detail why we have Easter. Other than when I was in the 'Brownies' and Girl Guides' Easter has only ever been about the chocolate eggs and the time off school.
It made me wonder how many of us without looking it up would be able to explain the origins of Easter to our children?
Ha, that's spooky, similar ideas on Easter in my latest post http://attachmentmummy.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/erm-happy-chocolate-day.html Have a look and let me know what you think. I'm enjoying reading your posts, L.