To summarise...
Ended our mini Skeggy break with a swim with the boys, had a cooked breakfast, went onto the front for a few goes on the 'grabbers' that my toddler has an obsession with and then set off home.
Thrilled with the dramatic change in weather. Slipped on a spilled drink whilst tidying up, kankle rapidly became supersized and muchos ice and ibuprofen was required for the rest of the day. Husband says to rest it which wasn't received brilliantly by myself and response included something about him trying to rest when there are two little ones to look after! Pleased that the toddler wasn't upset at the preschool drop off after weekend away. Littlest little guy enjoyed his very early birthday pressie (turtle shaped sandpit/paddling pool).
Joined Slimming World due to concern over number of dohnuts consumed at Skegness.


Spent afternoon with both boys at Rushcliffe Country Park. One of our favourite places. Took picnic blanket and sat in the shade with ice lollies and played on the park. Took advantage of other half not being there to dissaprove and made daisy chains with the toddler and made a daisy head garment for the baby. Its not that I would like a little girl (much)!

Friday (Today)
Had all good intentions of going shopping this morning to get some birthday pressies but the baby slept for two hours which was quite unusual (think its the heat) so plans were scuppered. Found myself watching Cujo and drinking a cup of tea instead. If you don't like dogs already my advise is not to watch this film. Felt guilty for having a minute.
Picked toddler up from preschool and drove over to the tennis centre for tots tennis. The journey involved my first and what I hope to be last 999 phone call. An elderly man who did not look well started walking into the traffic on a very busy dual carriageway. I had to swerve the car to miss him and there was a lorry behind me so I didn't dare look in the rear view mirror. The police rang me back to thank me for the call and tell me that others had witnessed the man getting back into his car and driving away! He was very lucky not to have been hit but to be honest I was more concerned about me having an accident with the boys in the car. Fair to say it shook me up a bit.
Had a lovely BBQ on the garden with hubby and the boys. Toddler gets very giddy when we have a BBQ and likes to think he is in charge of the whole thing.
Quote of the week:
Toddler (in the car): "Mum your nice"
Me: "Ahhh, that's lovely, thank you sweetheart."
Toddler: "Nicer than a Rhinoceros."
Good to know.
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